opencv rotate image 90 degrees

I'm capturing image from webcam and I need to rotate it by right angle. I found myself theese functions: getRotationMatrix2D - to create rotation matrix (whatever it is) transform ...

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Free Picture Resizer is a great app that lets you undertake basic image editing, such as resizing, flipping and rotating images, and applying filters and color alterations. The app''s most advanced...

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  • What is the best way (in c/c++) to rotate an IplImage/cv::Mat by 90 degrees? I would assum...
    c++ - Easiest way to rotate by 90 degrees an image using Ope ...
  • I'm capturing image from webcam and I need to rotate it by right angle. I found myself...
    c++ - Rotate Opencv Matrix by 90, 180, 270 degrees - Stack ...
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    imread rotating image by 90 degree - OpenCV Q&A Forum ...
  • Rotation Rotation of an image for an angle is achieved by the transformation matrix of the...
    Geometric Transformations of Images — OpenCV 3.0.0-dev docum ...
  • image data access in OpenCV 2 or later. → Rotation iplimage by 90 degrees 08 Nov Umm. Tran...
    Rotation iplimage by 90 degrees | Kyu's Blog
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    Rotate Image & Video - OpenCV Tutorial C++ ...
  • Applies a Rotation to the image after being transformed. This rotation is with respect to ...
    Affine Transformations — OpenCV documentation
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    EmguCV image rotation - CodeProject - CodeProject - For ...
  • This code is similar to the previous article: we load the image, invert black and white an...
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